
La Fundación tiene como objetivo honrar la memoria de Rodolfo Ferrari comprometiéndose con la creación y gestión de proyectos con fines sociales y solidarios. Lleva a cabo actividades de divulgación científica y artística desarrollando iniciativas benéficas que contribuyen al bienestar de la comunidad y del medio ambiente.

Entre ellas, la concesión de becas para la investigación científica, las visitas a museos para los niños de primaria y secundaria de la zona, las iniciativas de apoyo a las asociaciones de pacientes, las asociaciones contra la violencia de género y las iniciativas contra la degradación del medio ambiente.

LABÒ Cultural Project

In synergy with the essence of the place, called to research in the medical field since its foundation in 1947, LABÒ is a laboratory that expresses itself in its true essence: an experimentation process that starts from an idea or a concept to become a product or an artwork.

As stated in the manifesto of the Rodolfo Ferrari Foundation, in fact, “scientific and artistic research use different methods and languages, but share the same desire: to make the invisible visible. On the one hand, there is the scientific method that is made of rigour, of reproducible and certain processes; on the other hand, the artistic method, which works with visual associations, experiments in a free way, measuring itself with the indeterminate, with events not necessarily rational. The two researches, apparently so distant, have one element in common: intuition. It opens to change, moves sensitivity and consciousness”.

Since 2023 the Rodolfo Ferrari Foundation entrusted Elsa Lemarignier and François Leblanc di Cicilia with the responsibility of promoting this new venture. Surpassing the time capsule effect caused by the buildings and some rooms, we are quickly caught by the power of architectures, and the breath of live of machines still on site.

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